This Lozier is a Veteran Tourist

Days left to start of tour: 224

The Oldman Lozier is a car with some great heritage. Besides the tremendous originality of this 1914 Lozier Model 77 five passenger touring, it completed the Portland, Maine to Portland, Oregon Transcontinental Tour in 1985 under the ownership of Mr. DeAngelis. It’s always great to have Transcontinental Tour veteran along for the adventure!

The Oldman’s have been busy readying the car for the upcoming event. A freshened up radiator as well as a totally rebuilt water pump and starter motor. One of the few upgrades done to this majestic machine is Cast Iron Finned Brake Drums to increase the braking abilities and reduce fade. The brake design is quite unique, having two brake shoes (service and handbrake) side by side in the same drum. Note the correct brake shoe arcing process in the pictures below.

Now be sure to take a good look at these pictures because it’ll look quite different come the start of the tour. The entire car is being repainted and that yellow is being changed to a lovely green. I’m sure it’ll really make the car look phenomenal! Special thanks to the Oldman’s for taking the time to provide this update.